Trainee excursion

March 07, 2024

We went on a trainee excursion to indoor karting at Fahrwerk in Groß-Zimmern.
Our trainees showed that they can step on the gas, but their trainers also kept up!

From the war to our team

January 24, 2024

What is it actually like to gain a professional foothold here in Germany as a refugee from the war in Ukraine?
What bureaucratic hurdles are there? And once these have been overcome, how easy is it to actually find a job that you feel comfortable in?

These are just a few of the questions that those affected are confronted with… To find answers to these questions, “How Ukrainian refugees find their way into the job market”, a hr film team visited us to ask two of our new colleagues precisely these and other questions.
Our trainees accompanied the film team.

Big news from Michelstadt

October 27, 2023

Our brand new production hall for our Plant II has officially opened. With an expansion of around 30 percent, Erbatech is sending a clear signal for growth and innovation in the Odenwald: state-of-the-art equipment, optimal working conditions, and above all: more jobs!

Thanks to everyone who made this possible – we look forward to the future!


June 08-14, 2023

Under the motto “Transforming the World of Textiles” we will be present at the largest international textile exhibition, the ITMA 2023 in Milan, Italy!

We are ready & looking forward to welcoming you at our booth!

Groundbreaking ceremony for the new assembly hall

November 08, 2022

The ground-breaking ceremony for our new assembly hall for our Michelstadt site took place on 8.11.2022!
The construction work is expected to be completed in March 2023.